Chairman's Message

"Only those who attempt the absurd can achieve the impossible"
« Albert Einstein »

"You will never find a rainbow if you are looking down"
« Charles Chaplin »

These quotes of great men are relevant to us today when we have embarked on an un-charted path to lead our command area to a developmental revolution through Financial Inclusion and Micro Finance. Growth of our Bank hinges wholly on the growth and development of our command area. The potential that exists for us is beyond any comparison with any other geography in our nation.
The Organizational Development Interventions envisaged in the program of Gram Chetna are progressively being implemented. The Core Values are gaining roots and there is all round improvement in the affairs of the Bank.
Catering to 5.65 crore population in our command area through our 1020 branches and 3430 'Sunahara Sapna' Ultra Small Branches is a matter of pride in itself. We have to resolve to target the organizational objectives, and transform to a performance culture.
Every situation presents us with options - opportunities or threats - depending on the beholder. Transforming the way we see holds the key to progress.
With regards and best wishes,